
Bornean leopard cat

Bornean leopard cat by Jungle Dave Brunei
EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED BRUNEI WILDLIFE - I was soaking wet, cold last night in heavy rainfall during my night walk alone.

I was heading back to the base and since it was rain heavily I decided to take shelter at one of the farm hut.

Though! I was alone taking shelter but someone came much earlier than me.

I was accompanying by the Bornean leopard cat as you can see the photo.

She did not run away. I don't want to frightening her so I just take single photo and we both take shelter.

It is amazing to have unexpected date to a beautiful wild cat.

By Jungle Dave

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Black-Naped Monarch

Black-Naped Monarch in Brunei
The Black-Naped Monarch is another birds found at Meriuk Farmstay.

By Jungle Dave

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