
Red Crowned Barvet

Red Crowned Barvet  ニシキゴシキドリ
Red Crowned Barvet

Come to Brunei to do birding in Borneo.
Jungle Dave Eco Tourism

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Odonata Macro Photography Tour トンボ

I thank you everyone who attended my Odonata Macro Photography Tour talk on Monday the 16th February at University Brunei Darussalam.
Its been great meeting everyone with short chat.
Odonata Macro photography is a New tours in Brunei and I think it is also the first tour in Borneo. 
Singapore and Japan have the largest odonata interest group and maybe also Korea.

The odonata photo taken in Brunei forest ridge. 
Anyone could help me to identify the species? 
This is the first time i see this species.

More Odonata photo are coming soon.

by D

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white breasted waterhen シロハラクイナ

These white breasted waterhens  lived in the human residence area like a tame chicken.

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Beautiful sounds of Gibbon in Brunei Borneo

Sounds of North Borneo Gibbon in Brunei Borneo
Brueni Lowland Rorest Birding


Jungle Dave Eco Tourism

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Night photographing

Night photographing around the campsite.
 large tailed nightjar not manage to take photo and the fish owl - next time owl

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From balcony of the campsite

From balcony of the campsite

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Collared Kingfisher ナンヨウショウビン

Collared Kingfisher 
I took a picture on boat cruise that I could see the proboscis monkey.

Come to Brunei to do birding in Borneo.

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Proboscis monkey テングザル

We can see Proboscis Monkey in Brunei River.
We can see the endemic species proboscis monkey of Borneo Island. 

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Jungle Dave Eco Tourism 

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Blue-throated bee-eater

January – March is Blue-throated bee-eater breeding season in Brunei.
I watched the female and male taken turn looking after their nest.
The male will guard the nest while the female gone out to feed and taken turned.
It really amazing watching.

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Pacific swallow

I shot the Pacific swallow from our campsite balcony. 
We just sit and wait at the campsite balcony with our binocular and camera.
We shot every fauna species that we can see from the balcony including dragonflies. 
I will share by dragonflies photos to everyone soon.

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Wallace's Hawk – Eagle

I got really excited spotting Wallace's Hawk – Eagle for the first time. 
My hand were shaking while photographing. I am not scared but felt excited. 
I quickly photograph before the raptor fly away. 
I don't know if any of you guys have felt the same way I do before. 
Wow! Out of nine shot this is the only one that considered okay! 
As you can see the weather were cloudy but I don't blame the weather for the photo quality but me.

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White-Bellied Woodpecker

Even though last weekend 4D3N lowland birding the weather were not good. The rain come and go with wind eventually thunder and lightning. But i do not considered it unsuccessful trip. 
We still manage to get some good shot of bird.
For instant this photo of female White-Bellied Woodpecker pecking at invertebrates on dead branches, as the photo showing rain drops.
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Jungle Dave Eco Tourism 

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Pied Triller

Pied Triller lowland forest edge
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Jungle Dave Eco Tourism 

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Pink-necked Green Pigeon

Pink-necked Green Pigeon male @lowland forest edge
Pink-necked Green Pigeon female @lowland forest edge 
Pink - Necked Green Pigeon @lowland forest edge

Cinnamon - Headed Green Pigeon

Cinnamon - Headed Green Pigeon taken from lowland forest edge. 
I will let you guys know what camera I use taking all those photo that I post. 
than you will know how great the bird in Brunei as an amateur bird photographer.
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Jungle Dave Eco Tourism 

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